App falls into sleep mode

Priority: High
Request: App is falling into Sleep mode recurringly. What can be happening here?
Project ID: myhelpa-15611
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Hi @jorge.m, thanks for writing in!

Your production is running on professional dynos, they don’t have a sleep mode. I see long-running (> 1000ms) requests in logs, but this appears to be a database query issue, not sleep mode.

Could you please describe your problem in more detail?

@amador.jesus this could be related to OptaPlanner. Can you confirm? We have it now running it on the same Docker @dmitrii.k for testing purposes while we get the new dyno

@dmitrii.k the app has been downgraded to Community. I’m checking with Raniel to see if there is any billing issue. Client stands that all payments are up to date. Could the system have downgraded the app by mistake?

Yes, it seems that this is related to OptaPlanner. Since it’s abusing the resource limit set on the dyno your web process will suffer, and the dyno may be restarted.

Could that be the reason that the app has been downgraded to Community? Because I checked with Raniel and the payments are up to date. We would need to get Premium membership back

@jorge.m, I can’t see any payment methods attached to the owner of the project. It might be worth checking with the billing department, or, perhaps, @andre.