Deployment failed, Java app to be deployed in Dockerfile

@dmitrii.k we are getting there. Just a bunch of last (hopefully) questions:

  1. Running the Javascript on the same server with our web app is our preferred solution. However we have to take into consideration the use of memory 1.24 Gb and that now we are having an issue that set the app to sleep mode. We need to make sure that we won’t have performance/memorie issues and neither the sleep mode issue.

  2. If we have to forget the above solution due to potencial issues, our second option is to have a new dyno on the same app and use RabbitMQ. Are there any security elements we need to implement or to consider?

  3. In case a new dyno is the solution. How the deployments will be done on our end? Will we have Heroku access?

  1. There is no sleep mode. OptaPlanner is abusing the resources and probably getting restarted. It also impacts the responsiveness of the web process. As long as you have sufficient resources, there won’t be any issues.
  2. There are no specific security elements you need to implement. Here are all of the options available - I suggest taking a closer look at CloudAMQP.
  3. All you need to do is add it to your heroku.yml and it’ll be deployed as part of the overall deployment when you hit the Deploy button in your CB Dashboard. Heroku access is not necessary and will not be provided.

@anand @dmitrii.k based on all the info provided we would proceed then with the super-dyno on the same app. I already got the OK from the client. Should I tell the client to upgrade her account and when done letting you know to set the super-dyno on myhelpa-15611?

@jorge.m, yes, please write here when to add the dyno. In the meantime, you can add the necessary entry to your heroku.yml, you can find more information here -

@dmitrii.k client has upgraded the plan to Advanced. Can you proceed to add the super-dyno?

Hi @jorge.m, thanks for letting me know. I’ll be able to upgrade to super dyno once you add the OptaPlanner process to your heroku.yml and deploy the changes. I provided the link to the relevant documentation in my previous message.

Ok, but we are confused @dmitrii.k . We would like to have just 1 dyno only. A super-dyno with more resources, following the quoted solution you proposed.

Apologies, @jorge.m, I’ve gotten confused by so many options we’d discussed :smiley:
I’ve upgraded your production to have 2.5GB of RAM on a dedicated instance.

Happy coding!