Execute command weekly (similar to cronjobs)

Priority: Low
Request: How do I run cron job like processes on crowdbotics? I have django management command that has to be executed on every week.
Project ID: 20027
Project Link: https://app.crowdbotics.com/dashboard/app/20027

we can use Heroku Scheduler for this, let me know the management command and i will add it.

It’s not yet implemented, will I be able to register Heroku Scheduler or I should come back with this request ?

Mention me here after you need it done. Heroku Scheduler has to be added from heroku app dashboard itself.


@saurav can you please create a scheduler every Wednesday midnight for the following management command:
python manage.py generate_meal_plan

@radac I have added a scheduler to run at 12:00 am every Thursday. Let me know if there is any issue with it.

@saurav do we have any output from the previous execution? I did not found any error / meal plans to be generated.

Can you please schedule for today/anytime to have another test?

@radac Since it’s scheduler to run every thursday 12:00 am, it hasn’t run yet. I ran this command manually, see if it generated plans. The management command didn’t give any error or output though. I believe, management command some output to console about the process status or steps.

@saurav I’m not able to see any updates. In meantime I have added output for management command so it should print it’s result. Can you please run again?

@radac I ran the management command and this is the output. Successfully generated 3 meal plans with 0 errors . I guess it should be generated now.

Alright, everything is OK. Can you please set scheduler to Wednesday midnight and we are all set.

Thank you very much for your support!

@dmitrii.k @saurav

Can you please check the scheduler?
I was not able to see any updates in the database.

Console output above seems OK, is this connecting to same database?
I can’t figure out, on my local machines it does the job.

Hi @radac, the scheduler ran successfully, see attached. It does indeed connect to the same database.