How do I add Sendgrid to my app?

My Backend Developer needs access to SendGrid for sending off verification emails on app 15593. How do I get it?

CC: Ahmed Roofi

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Hi Saif – you should sign up for a SendGrid account via their website, and once verified, add the API key into your “settings” area to use it. You’ll now be able to send emails via your Crowdbotics app.



You will need to verify your domain once you create the account - How to set up domain authentication

Then generate the API keys

Here’s a guide on how to send the e-mail - Send E-mail with Django (please note you’ll need to add the API key using CB Dashboard > Settings > Environment Variables and call it SENDGRID_API_KEY to follow this guide); don’t commit API keys to the repository.

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Hi @here, i’m software developer at crowdbotics, i have try to integrate Sendgrid. but when i try to deploy in the CB dashboard it showing me error

is there anyone who can help me how to setup sendgrid