How to add custom root domain to app?

I’m trying to add a root domain (domain apex. like ‘’) as a custom domain for my app. I use cloudflare for DNS, and it uses CNAME flattening so that the root domain can be a CNAME.

Cloudflare’s documentation indicates a custom root domain is supported with heroku

~3 hours ago I added the root domain through the crowdbotics dashboard, and created a CNAME record for the root domain pointing to the domain. However, the crowdbotics dashboard says DNS cannot be verified.

In cloudflare I have tried both “DNS only” and “proxied” for proxy mode (these options either provide cloudflare’s proxy IP or the underlying IP from the record).

What do I need to do to get a custom root domain hosted on crowdflare working with crowdbotics app?

Project ID: poladstransparency-17744
Project Link:

The certificate status needed refreshing. It’s working now:

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