How to Make Your Crowdbotics App FERPA-Compliant

The amount of student data collected and stored by modern applications is enormous. If your business operates in the education industry and has embraced the digitization of records, there is a high chance that a mobile application is involved that collects and stores a student's data.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

How to determine if my app is FERPA-compliant or not?

What are the requirements of a FERPA compliant mobile app?

Are there any other compliances that CB app builder supports?

How can I assess if my app requires a certain compliance?

Hi @nakul.shah

Yes, CB app builder supports other compliances too such as:

You can find more information about them with the link I’ve attached.

There are different factors for an app developer to know whether a certain compliance is required in their app. For example, for GDPR compliance is to determine whether or not your mobile app collects and processes the personal information of EU citizens.