How to push code on github repo created by crowdbotics

I see that there is scaffold repo created by Crowdbotics, how can I push code into that?

Connect your Github account (go to your settings page). You’ll automatically be added as a collaborator on the generated Github repo!

getting permission denied, Once added my github account on CB platform, I should be under contributor under all the repo is getting created?

Getting below error.

remote: Permission to crowdbotics-users/gauravcoinmonkscom-gaurav-629.git denied to buddies2705.
fatal: unable to access ‘’: The requested URL returned error: 403

Gaurav: Thanks for reporting this issue. Here’s what you need to do to be able to commit code into the repository. I suspect you’ve done everything, except steps 2 & 3, but they’re given here for the sake of completeness.

  1. In the CB app dashboard go to Settings > Settings.
  2. Click on “Build Settings” on the left menu.
  3. Turn on the “Automatically add commit access to new project repos?” option by toggling the switch.
  4. Click on “Integration” on the left menu.
  5. Click on “Connect with Github”
  6. In the authorization dialog that appears, enter your Github credentials.
  7. Approve the Github connection request in the dialog that appears.

From that point forward, every time you create a new project, Github will send you an invite (to the registered email address in Github) to collaborate on the project. Accept the invite, and you should be able to commit code to the repository.

Since you’ve already created the repo, I just sent an invite to the email address linked to “buddies2705” that should allow you to write to the repository. Please accept the invite, try to commit, and let us know if you encounter any issues.

We also have an engineering ticket open to improve the flow around Github integration. Hopefully, that will be resolved next week. In the meanwhile, if you perform steps 1 - 3, you should be set.

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