I am facing issue while loading unpacked chrome extension from chrome folder

Priority: High
Request: I am loading unpacked chrome extension from chrome folder (ex-curator-18446 >> excurator-chrome-extension >> chrome)
Project ID: ex-curator-18446
Project Link: https://github.com/crowdbotics-apps/ex-curator-18446
Staging Link:
Additional Info: I am loading unpacked chrome extension from chrome folder (ex-curator-18446 >> excurator-chrome-extension >> chrome) through these steps and facing some issues:

  1. Load Unpack chrome folder in google chrome extension --> an error occured ( Manifest file is missing or unreadable
    Could not load manifest.)
  2. after this we created manifest.json file inside chrome folder and copy the data of manifest.dev.json to manifest.json then changed the path for icons “img/icon-16.png” to “assets/img/icon-16.png” after this i load unpack chrome folder in chrome extension --> an error occured (Could not load background page ‘background.html’.
    Could not load manifest.)

I am facing this issue.