Obscure Frontend Frameworks That Could Become the Next React

In the early years of the modern web development era, software engineers used server-side MVC web frameworks like JSF, JSP, Django, and PHP to create frontend pages and components. But in early 2010, web development frameworks like Knockout.js, Backbone.js, and AngularJS came into the market, which quickly replaced jQuery and other traditional web frameworks. Soon thereafter, React and Vue were released, and React, Angular, and Vue were solidified as the fastest-growing JavaScript frameworks in the web development community.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.crowdbotics.com/obscure-frontend-frameworks-that-could-become-the-next-react/

Are there any other obscure frameworks that you can think of?

Out of the four frameworks mentioned, which one would you prefer to use and why?