Push iOS built to testflight without mac


I am new to crowdbotics and wanted to make sure what is the process here mostly. So how I should push iOS built to Apple’s testlight without mac here? I thought maybe you have some tools or steps that you usually follow.

@martynas.cesonis you may change config.yml and fastlane file to build app and deploy to TestFlight

@tony Usually mostly all builds fail after I try something. For bundle exec fastlane match development
It gets [23:45:05]: Exit status: 128 [23:45:05]: Error cloning certificates repo, please make sure you have read access to the repository you want to use [23:45:05]: Run the following command manually to make sure you're properly authenticated: [23:45:05]: $ git clone git@github.com:crowdbotics/apple-certificates.git C:/Users/Marcius/AppData/Local/Temp/d20200922-6780-1jz20ff

If without that other commands like fastlane ios build_setup doesn’t work too.

@martynas.cesonis seems that you ran the fastlane on your local. If yes, you need access to Certificate repo or deploy via the Crowdbotics web app

Alternatively, you may contact your PM to retrieve the distribution cert, app id, and provision file to build app and upload to TestFlight

I can’t find how to configure fastlane to use cert and provision build. Second thing I can’t see where I can upload to testflight without mac.

Sorry but I am first time doing that for AppStore so that you could be aware of that.

@martynas.cesonis in ios/fastlane/Fastfile, the function build_setup is to configure distribute cert and provision file. the beta lane is to deploy the build to TestFlight. you may adjust config.yml to run beta lane (currently, it is configured to run deploy_appetize lane).

Then, commit your changes to master and use Deploy feature in CB app. The app would be built and uploaded to Testflight on a Mac hosted by CircleCI

@tony I can’t do that because of

Apple Generic Versioning is not enabled in this project.
Before being able to increment and read the version number from your Xcode project, you first need to setup your project properly.

@martynas.cesonis fyi, the mobile app is generated from our scaffold. by default, it is configured to work seamlessly with CB app deploy feature