10 Ways to Boost Your Remote Design Team's Productivity

At present, almost all businesses around the globe have switched to remote work to ensure the safety of their employees. It's always challenging to collaborate with teams and keep them on the same page, and it's even harder to manage everything remotely.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.crowdbotics.com/10-ways-to-boost-your-remote-design-teams-productivity/

How to decide the ideal design tool for the team?

Are certain design tools more preferred over others, based on the type of project (mobile app, web app, etc)?

Ideally, a design tool can be selected that the team is most comfortable to work with and provide features for team collaboration. For example, Figma is a good option. You can checkout our guide on to use Figma for more info here. We also support integrating it with Crowdbotics App Builder.