Reminder - CB Coffee-Chats Today: Experience You Won't Find on our Resumes

Hey Everyone!

Take a break and join us - Gather round, and remember: the most important thing is having fun!

See you on Wednesday Septemeber 30th @ 12pm PST!

The bullet points on our résumés, CVs, and LinkedIn profiles don’t even scratch the surface of who we are, what we know, and what we’ve experienced.

But that can be easy to forget in the course of our day-to-day jobs. We all have a lot to do. So, we often deprioritize learning more about our colleagues … even though research shows that most of us spend one-third of our lives working, and as much or more time communicating with colleagues than with our family and friends.

Today, let’s take the opportunity to see beyond our titles, roles, and duties, and discover a bit more about one another.

Link to join:

See you there!