Cannot transfer app plan


Hi, I receive this error so I cannot transfer the paid plan to another project of the client.

Client email:
Plan that we are trying to transfer to this project:
PS: deployment was successful so I don’t understand why this is an issue.

@andresmachado or @lorence, could you please look into this?

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Sure thing!

I just opened a PR with a patch for this issue.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for reporting it.

@csantos.machado any updates? :slight_smile:

Hey @dilara. The fix will be available on the next system release. I’ll let you know once it happens.

@csantos.machado when is the next system release?
Its kinda blocking the scoping step due to right activity code to be assigned, so if its going to be like next week can we manually transfer the payment plan between the projects please?

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