New Post Format for "How Do I...?" (Dec 21 Developer Update)

Hey Crowdbotics Crew!

We wanted to make sure you knew about some new guidelines for posting technical questions in the forums.

First, please write your questions like you are naturally speaking about them. Include the problem, what you’ve tried, and the error/log (if applicable). Here are two good examples:

We have an app that is not generated by the CB platform. We are looking for assistance on changing the deployment configuration to be able to build for mobile platform.

AppID: 16455

Error building infrastructure:

b'\nError: Build failed


on line 63, in resource "heroku_build" "production":\n 63: resource 

"heroku_build" "production" {\n\n\n'



We have following error on Crowdbotics dashboard. Can you please assist with deploying this app?

Project ID: 8981

Second, do not use the project or client’s names. You can see how the above examples reference a number for the project or AppID.

In other news, December 25th is a major US holiday. Check with your PM to see if your schedule is impacted by the holiday.

Happy Holidays and Happy Coding!