Mobile app: clarification needed for Search Results

I have a use case and i want to check how we can achieve it

  • In a mobile app logged in user, in the main screen, I want to have a search box and the data we enter to search for such as
  • I want to buy a house in New York
  • I want to buy land in Florida for less than $200,000
    The result of this search should be displayed on the app such as for example there are 10 apartments to buy in new york, listing the price next to each one, and a button to click I’m interested in this one.

I need some clarifications on how can we achieve this.

Hi Ramzi. Have you looked at using an MLS API to source the data? For example, any of these six, including the Zillow API, which is free, would contain your desired data:

You can find another comprehensive list here:

You can add any of these to your app, along with the credentials, using “connectors” on the Crowdbotics Layout Editor.

Thanks for the feedback.
Zillow is only related to homes and mortgages.
We want to achieve any businesses needs such as capital, legal, and advertising.

You’ll need to use a separate API for each of the services you want to search for.