Where do I start?

I have cloned my GitHub repository, installed all the necessary dependencies and Android Studio - now what? In which files do I find the code that you generated for me, and the specific functionalities you have available without developer help?

Hi Marnus – great question! Your first step will be to launch the code locally in Android Studio. If you look in your Github repo, you can see the file App.js. That’s the one to start editing to modify your app!

If you want, you can also install features directly from the Crowdbotics dashboard by clicking on the feature list and choosing which features you’d like to add in – social login, dashboard, landing pages, and more!

Hi, this is where I get stuck trying to run my app from Android Studio.

Hi Marnus, can I get a sneak peek into your repository?
Make sure you did the following:

  • install all npm dependencies (npm install or yarn)
  • open android folder
  • make sure syncing and building steps executed successfully; for that you need appropriate java and android sdk versions that defined in build.gradle
  • take a look at the readme to see how to run